
International charismatic Canadian Songstress is touring in USA, Germany and Asia. She sold more than 55,000 albums. Charting best 200 jazz albums on iTunes in Japan, Germany, USA, Netherlands and France notably.

« The first time you hear Bisson’s crystal clear voice, you’ll likely get shivers. »
Bob Bantz, Elusive Disc.

« Jazz and poetry beautifully woven together. »
Christopher Rodriguez, journal de Montréal.

« Bisson has an innate sense of composition. Her writing is resolute in its view of human passions and her singing gives voice to those passions with tasteful delicacy. »
Jerry D’Sousa, All About Jazz.

Bisson’s voice is fascinating, kind of half-way toward a jazz Björk but with a lyricism that sets her aside from the Central Casting chanteuse.

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